Template:PT1 1024 1 MAC

From Phidgets Support

Step 1: Install Phidgets Library

Step 2: Connect Devices

Step 3: Verify Connection

Step 1: Install Phidgets Library

Before you begin using your Phidgets, you will need to install the Phidget Library.

1. Download the installer for your system:

● OS X 10.11+: Installer Download

● Mac OS X 10.7 - OS X 10.10: Installer Download

● Mac OS X 10.5 - OS X 10.6: Installer Download

Before installing our libraries, be sure to read our Software License.

Step 1: Install Phidgets Library

2. Open the download and double click on Phidgets.pkg

Step 1: Install Phidgets Library

3a. Select Continue

Step 1: Install Phidgets Library

3b. Read and continue. Read the License and click Agree.

Step 1: Install Phidgets Library

3c. Here, you have the option to select the installation location. Select Install to continue.

Step 1: Install Phidgets Library

3d. MacOS may ask for permission to install. Enter your username and password and Install Software.

Step 1: Install Phidgets Library

3e. Wait for Installation to complete. This should only take a few moments.

Step 1: Install Phidgets Library

3f. You may see a message that the extension has been blocked. Select Open Security Preferences.

Step 1: Install Phidgets Library

3g. Beside the message for Phidgets Inc, Click Allow.

Step 1: Install Phidgets Library

3h. Installation Complete, Click Close.

Step 1: Install Phidgets Library

3i. To delete the installer, click Move to Trash.

Step 2: Connect Devices

● Connect USB Cable to your computer and PhidgetRFID

● Connect USB Cable to your computer and VINT Hub

● Connect Phidget Cable to your VINT Hub and PhidgetRFID

Step 3: Verify Connection

1. Open the Phidgets Control Panel:

Step 3: Verify Connection

2. If connected, your Phidgets will appear in the Phidget Control Panel.


If you're able to see and interact with your devices in the Phidget Control Panel, you're done with the Setup part of this guide.

Scroll down to Part 2: Using Your Phidget for the next step.

For more info installing in MacOS (e.g. developer tools, driver extension, etc.), visit this page:

MacOS Advanced Information
