Language - Python
Installing the Phidget Python Module
Python versions 2.7.9+ and 3.4+ include PIP by default. To install the Phidget22 Python module with PIP, simply open the Command Prompt (press the Windows key and search for cmd), and enter the command:
python -m pip install Phidget22
To install the Phidget22 libraries to a specific Python version, you can use the Python Windows Launcher from the Command Prompt as follows (replace -X.X with your Python version, e.g. -2.7 or -3.6):
py -X.X -m pip install Phidget22
Installing the Phidget Python Module
To use the global Phidget22 library in your PyCharm project, select Inherit global site-packages when creating a new project.
Finding Code Samples
To find the code sample to use for your Phidget, navigate to the Code Samples page and select your device from the drop-down menu.
Once you select your device, the code sample generator will give you a working code sample, and a selection of options to customize it to your needs.
Using the Code Samples
Click the Download Example button to download the sample code:
Using the Code Samples
Add the example you just downloaded by dragging it into the project:
Using the Code Samples
Finally, run the project:
The project is now running with Phidgets!
What's Next?
Now that you've set up Phidgets in your programming environment, you should read our guide on Phidget Programming Basics to learn the fundamentals of programming with Phidgets.
Continue reading below for advanced information and troubleshooting for your device.