Language - C
We provide support for the C language in all major operating systems. We also provide instructions on how to get your project started in a number of common development environments. Select your operating system and preferred development environment below, and follow the instructions to get your project running with Phidgets.
If you do not know which development environment you want to use, or your development environment of choice is not listed, we recommend starting with GCC as the simplest path to getting your code running.
Once you have set up your development environment to run with Phidgets, we recommend you follow our guide on Phidget Programming Basics. The guide will showcase the fundamentals of programming with Phidgets, with examples in C.
Setup Guide
C - Select Development Environment
Select your Development Environment:
Language - C
Windows with Visual Studio
Welcome to using Phidgets with C! By using C, you will have access to the complete Phidget22 API, including events.
Visual Studio is an IDE provided by Microsoft that can be used to develop code in a wide variety of programming languages, including C/C++.
First, make sure you have the following installed:
● Phidgets Drivers for Windows
● Microsoft Visual Studio
Using Phidgets in Your Programs
There are two ways you can use Phidgets in Visual Studio. You can either start from a sample project provided by our code sample generator, or you can start a new project from scratch.
Select your preferred method below for instructions:
Use our Code Sample
New Project
Visual Studio Code Sample
Finding Code Samples
To find the code sample to use for your Phidget, navigate to the Code Samples page and select your device from the drop-down menu.
Once you select your device, the code sample generator will give you a working code sample, and a selection of options to customize it to your needs.
Using the Code Samples
If it's unclear what any of the options do, click on the nearby '?' for more info.
Once you've made your selections, click the Visual Studio Project button under Downloads.
Using the Code Samples
Extract the files and open the .sln file.
Then start the example by pressing the Start button:
What's Next?
Now that you've set up Phidgets in your C programming environment, you should read our guide on Phidget Programming Basics to learn the fundamentals of programming with Phidgets.
In particular, you should ensure that you familiarize yourself with how error handling is done in C, because it's not automatically implemented like in other programming languages. Once you've added error handling to your code, you can use the Error Code List to anticipate and handle various errors.
Continue down below for advanced information and troubleshooting for your device.
Visual Studio New Project
Setting up a New Project
When using Phidgets in a Visual Studio project, you need to properly link the Phidget C library.
1. First, create a new Win32 Console Application:
Setting up a New Project
2. Select an empty project and Finish:
Setting up a New Project
3. If you are using a 64-bit machine, select x64, otherwise, select x86:
Setting up a New Project
4. Next, right click on the source folder and click New Item:
Setting up a New Project
5. Give the source file a name and click Add:
Setting up a New Project
6. Right click your project and access its properties:
Setting up a New Project
7. Go to Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> General and add this to the additional include directories:
C:\Program Files\Phidgets\Phidget22
Setting up a New Project
8. Go to Configuration Properties -> Linker -> Input and add the appropriate line to additional dependencies:
C:\Program Files\Phidgets\Phidget22\phidget22.lib (for 64-bit systems)
C:\Program Files\Phidgets\Phidget22\x86\phidget22.lib (for 32-bit systems)
Setting up a New Project
9. Lastly, include the Phidget library at the beginning of your program:
#include < phidget22.h >
Success! The project now has access to Phidgets.
What's Next?
Now that you've set up Phidgets in your C programming environment, you should read our guide on Phidget Programming Basics to learn the fundamentals of programming with Phidgets.
In particular, you should ensure that you familiarize yourself with how error handling is done in C, because it's not automatically implemented like in other programming languages. Once you've added error handling to your code, you can use the Error Code List to anticipate and handle various errors.
Continue down below for advanced information and troubleshooting for your device.
Language - C
Windows with Code::Blocks
Welcome to using Phidgets with C! By using C, you will have access to the complete Phidget22 API, including events.
Code::Blocks is a free, open source cross-platform IDE that can be used for C and C++.
Setting up a New Project
When you are building a project from scratch, or adding Phidget functionality to an existing project, you'll need to configure your development environment to properly link the Phidget C library.
To start, open Code::Blocks, and go to Settings -> Compiler as shown in the image below:
Setting up a New Project
From the Global compiler settings screen, go to Search directories -> Compiler and add:
C:\Program Files\Phidgets\Phidget22
Setting up a New Project
Next, select Search directories -> Linker and add the following directory:
C:\Program Files\Phidgets\Phidget22\x86
Setting up a New Project
Next, go to Linker settings and add the following line:
Setting up a New Project
Next, create a new Console Application project, as follows:
Setting up a New Project
Name your project, and finish creating the project.
Setting up a New Project
Now your project is created, and you can open the generated main.c to begin coding.
To include the Phidget C library, add the following line to your code:
#include <phidget22.h>
Your project now has access to the Phidget libraries.
Finding Code Samples
To find the code sample to use for your Phidget, navigate to the Code Samples page and select your device from the drop-down menu.
Once you select your device, the code sample generator will give you a working code sample, and a selection of options to customize it to your needs.
Using the Code Samples
If it's unclear what any of the options do, click on the nearby '?' for more info.
Once you've made your selections, click the copy button and paste the code into your new project.
What's Next?
Now that you've set up Phidgets in your C programming environment, you should read our guide on Phidget Programming Basics to learn the fundamentals of programming with Phidgets.
In particular, you should ensure that you familiarize yourself with how error handling is done in C, because it's not automatically implemented like in other programming languages. Once you've added error handling to your code, you can use the Error Code List to anticipate and handle various errors.
Continue down below for advanced information and troubleshooting for your device.
Language - C
Windows with GCC
Welcome to using Phidgets with C! By using C, you will have access to the complete Phidget22 API, including events.
GCC is a compiler system for originally written for GNU, and is the standard compiler on unix-like operating systems. It is available on Windows by using tools like MinGW or Cygwin to allow compilation of C programs from the command line.
First, make sure you have the following installed:
● Phidgets Drivers for Windows
● One of the following:
- MinGW
- Cygwin
Finding Code Samples
To find the code sample to use for your Phidget, navigate to the Code Samples page and select your device from the drop-down menu.
Once you select your device, the code sample generator will give you a working code sample, and a selection of options to customize it to your needs.
Using the Code Samples
If it's unclear what any of the options do, click on the nearby '?' for more info.
Once you've made your selections, click the Download Example button under Downloads.
Compile and Run
Go to the folder where your code is and open the command prompt by typing 'cmd' in the address bar.
The specific command you will use depends on your compiler of choice:
Cygwin x86:
gcc example.c -o example -I"/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Phidgets/Phidget22"-L"/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Phidgets/Phidget22/x86" -lphidget22
Cygwin x64:
gcc example.c -o example -I"/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Phidgets/Phidget22" -L"/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Phidgets/Phidget22" -lphidget22
gcc example.c -o example -I"C:/Program Files/Phidgets/Phidget22" -L"C:/Program Files/Phidgets/Phidget22/x86" -lphidget22
Compile and Run
After running the commands above for either Cygwin or MinGW, an executable file called example.exe will be created. Enter the following command to run the program:
What's Next?
Now that you've set up Phidgets in your C programming environment, you should read our guide on Phidget Programming Basics to learn the fundamentals of programming with Phidgets.
In particular, you should ensure that you familiarize yourself with how error handling is done in C, because it's not automatically implemented like in other programming languages. Once you've added error handling to your code, you can use the Error Code List to anticipate and handle various errors.
Continue down below for advanced information and troubleshooting for your device.
Language - C
MacOS with GCC
Welcome to using Phidgets with C! By using C, you will have access to the complete Phidget22 API, including events.
GCC is a compiler system for originally written for GNU, and is the standard compiler on unix-like operating systems. It is available on Windows by using tools like MinGW or Cygwin to allow compilation of C programs from the command line.
First, make sure you have the following installed:
● gcc
You likely have gcc installed on your macOS machine already, but if not, you can easily get it by downloading Xcode.
Finding Code Samples
To find the code sample to use for your Phidget, navigate to the Code Samples page and select your device from the drop-down menu.
Once you select your device, the code sample generator will give you a working code sample, and a selection of options to customize it to your needs.
Using the Code Samples
If it's unclear what any of the options do, click on the nearby '?' for more info.
Once you've made your selections, click the Download Example button under Downloads.
Compile and Run
To compile the program, enter the following command in the terminal, substituting "example" for the name of your C file:
gcc example.c -o example -F /Library/Frameworks -framework Phidget22 -I /Library/Frameworks/Phidget22.framework/Headers
Finally, run the program by entering the following command in the terminal:
Success! The project is now running with Phidgets.
What's Next?
Now that you've set up Phidgets in your C programming environment, you should read our guide on Phidget Programming Basics to learn the fundamentals of programming with Phidgets.
In particular, you should ensure that you familiarize yourself with how error handling is done in C, because it's not automatically implemented like in other programming languages. Once you've added error handling to your code, you can use the Error Code List to anticipate and handle various errors.
Continue down below for advanced information and troubleshooting for your device.
Language - C
Linux with GCC
Welcome to using Phidgets with C! By using C, you will have access to the complete Phidget22 API, including events.
GCC is a compiler system for originally written for GNU, and is the standard compiler on unix-like operating systems. It is available on Windows by using tools like MinGW or Cygwin to allow compilation of C programs from the command line.
First, make sure you have the following installed:
● gcc
You likely have gcc installed on your Linux machine already, but if not, you can easily get it by entering the following command in the terminal:
apt-get install gcc
Setting UDev Rules
By default, Linux will not allow regular users to access physical hardware, as a security feature. This means that you must grant yourself root privileges via sudo to run Phidgets code.
sudo ./HelloWorld
To avoid having to use sudo every time, you can set up a rules file to allow it automatically using the vendor code for Phidget USB devices. Create a text file called 99-libphidget22.rules containing the following line:
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ACTION=="add", ATTRS{idVendor}=="06c2", ATTRS{idProduct}=="00[3-a][0-f]", MODE="666"
Mode 666 means every user has permission to read and write to the specified devices. Next, move this file to /etc/udev/rules.d. Now you can run code that uses Phidgets as a regular user without sudo.
Finding Code Samples
To find the code sample to use for your Phidget, navigate to the Code Samples page and select your device from the drop-down menu.
Once you select your device, the code sample generator will give you a working code sample, and a selection of options to customize it to your needs.
Using the Code Samples
If it's unclear what any of the options do, click on the nearby '?' for more info.
Once you've made your selections, click the Download Example button under Downloads.
Compile and Run
To compile the program, enter the following command in the terminal, substituting "example" for the name of your C file:
gcc example.c -o example -lphidget22
After compiling, you can run the program by entering the following command in the terminal:
Success! The project is now running with Phidgets.
What's Next?
Now that you've set up Phidgets in your C programming environment, you should read our guide on Phidget Programming Basics to learn the fundamentals of programming with Phidgets.
In particular, you should ensure that you familiarize yourself with how error handling is done in C, because it's not automatically implemented like in other programming languages. Once you've added error handling to your code, you can use the Error Code List to anticipate and handle various errors.
Continue down below for advanced information and troubleshooting for your device.
Language - C
PhidgetSBC with GCC
Welcome to using Phidgets with C! By using C, you will have access to the complete Phidget22 API, including events.
GCC is a compiler system for originally written for GNU, and is the standard compiler on unix-like operating systems. It is available on Windows by using tools like MinGW or Cygwin to allow compilation of C programs from the command line.
If you haven't already, check out the user guide in order to set up the following:
● Networking
● Administrator password
This guide will cover development using an external machine. For development using the SBC itself, go back and select GCC - Linux as your environment.
To begin, this video will help you get started:
Developing With An External Computer
There are two main ways in which you can access your SBC from an external computer:
● SBC Web Interface
● Secure Shell (SSH)
Since the SBC User Guide covers the web interface in detail, this guide will cover SSH.
If you are unfamiliar with SSH, it is a simple yet powerful tool that allows you to log into a remote machine in order to execute commands. You can also transfer files using the associated SCP tool.
In order to use SSH, you need the following:
● The SBC's IP address (e.g. or the link local address (e.g. phidgetsbc.local)
● The administrator password
● SSH enabled on the SBC
You can enable SSH on the SBC Web Interface as shown below:
SSH on Windows
To use SSH on Windows, we recommend PuTTY. Use the images below as a guide for configuring PuTTY (use the IP address or the link local address interchangeably):
SSH on Windows
After clicking open, simply login as root and provide the administrator password:
To transfer files between your SBC and Windows machine, we recommend either of these programs:
● WinSCP
You will follow a similar process to access the SBC as described for SSH.
SSH on Linux and macOS
SSH is available on Linux and macOS by default. To run SSH, open the terminal and type:
ssh root@phidgetsbc.local
Or, something like this (you will need to know the IP address of your SBC):
ssh root@
You will then be prompted for the password in order to gain access to the SBC:
SSH on Linux and macOS
To copy a file from the SBC to your development machine using SCP, open the terminal and type:
scp root@phidgetsbc.local:/path/to/source /path/to/destination
You can reverse this if you want to transfer a file from your development machine to your SBC:
scp /path/to/source root@phidgetsbc.local:/path/to/destination
Installing Packages For Development
Now that you are connected, you may want to start developing on the SBC.
Go to System->Packages, check Include full Debian Package Repository and click Install.
Finding Code Samples
To find the code sample to use for your Phidget, navigate to the Code Samples page and select your device from the drop-down menu.
Once you select your device, the code sample generator will give you a working code sample, and a selection of options to customize it to your needs.
Using the Code Samples
If it's unclear what any of the options do, click on the nearby '?' for more info.
Once you've made your selections, click the Download Example button under Downloads.
Setting up a New Project
When you are building a project from scratch, or adding Phidget functionality to an existing project, you'll need to configure your development environment to properly link the Phidget C library.
When developing on an external computer, you will write, compile, and test your programs on that machine. When you are ready, you will then upload your programs to the SBC to compile and run them.
Setting up a New Project
Once your code is written, follow these steps to get your program running on the SBC:
1. Using the SBC Web Interface, create a new project:
Setting up a New Project
2. Transfer all the project files from the development machine to the SBC, either using the SBC Web Interface or a tool like WinSCP.
The project directory will be:
Setting up a New Project
3. Use SSH to access the SBC terminal and go to the project folder:
cd /usr/userapps/ProjectName
Then compile the example by entering the following command in the terminal, replacing "example" with the name of your C file:
gcc example.c -o example -lphidget22
You can now run the program with the command:
Success! The program is running on your SBC.
Running a Program Automatically
Click on the sections below for various automation options:
To quickly test whether a program can be run automatically, you can try starting it from the SBC Web Interface.
1. To start the program, navigate to Projects->ProjectName->Startup Settings in the SBC Web Interface.
2. Select your program in the drop-down menu labeled Executable/Class Name

3. Click the Start button on the SBC web interface.
4. You'll note that as it runs, there are two links below the Stop button which can be used to view the program output:
- stdout: view the program output like you would in a terminal or command prompt
- stderr: view the program error output
Running on boot ensures that your program will never miss an event. As long as the SBC is running, your code will be running. This section assumes you have written and compiled your program on an external computer, and have uploaded it to the SBC Web Interface.
To have your program run on boot, navigate to Projects->ProjectName->Startup Settings in the SBC Web Interface. After selecting your project, copy the settings from the image below:
We will review some of the options that are shown in the image above:
- Startup Order: lower numbers boot first. Booting later means more programs are available for use, booting earlier means other programs can use your program.
- Run as a daemon: starts the program as a daemon. Unless you have explicitly written your program as a daemon, leave this checked, or else your SBC may hang on boot.
- Executable/Class name: your main Java class or C file.
- Arguments: any command line arguments the program needs.
After saving your changes, your program will run automatically whenever your SBC boots.
Running your program on a schedule allows you to perform your task once a week, or once a minute without worrying about memory management issues or instability problems that may arise. It executes, and then gets cleaned up. To run your program on a schedule, we recommend using Cron. Cron can automatically schedule programs (known as jobs, or cron jobs). Cron simply reads a crontab file and runs whatever programs are listed, with whatever timing they are listed with. Cron runs continuously in the background, but the cron jobs only run as long as they naturally would, and then they exit.
Let's set up your first cron job. We will use nano to edit the crontab file, but feel free to use whatever editor you prefer.
First, set your editor to nano:
export EDITOR=nano
Next, edit your crontab file:
crontab -e
Finally, schedule your cron job:
#cron job that will run at 5AM every week:
0 5 * * 1 /root/code/myprogram argument1
After entering your task, simply save and exit the file.
What's Next?
Now that you've set up Phidgets in your C programming environment, you should read our guide on Phidget Programming Basics to learn the fundamentals of programming with Phidgets.
In particular, you should ensure that you familiarize yourself with how error handling is done in C, because it's not automatically implemented like in other programming languages. Once you've added error handling to your code, you can use the Error Code List to anticipate and handle various errors.
Continue down below for advanced information and troubleshooting for your device.
Quick Downloads
If you already know what you're doing and just need the files, you can find them all below.
- Phidget22 API (select C from the drop-down menu)