Template:PT1 HUB5000 WIN ETH

From Phidgets Support

Step 3: Connect Wireless

1. When you connect the power supply to the HUB5000, the red LED should turn on.

Step 3: Connect Wireless

2. In your Web Browser, enter hub5000.local

Step 3: Connect Wireless

3. Create a password for your HUB5000. You'll use this password to access the Configure Page from now on.

Step 3: Connect Wireless

4. Navigate to the network page. Change the Mode to Client.

Step 3: Connect Wireless

5. Enter your Wifi Network details to use your Hub wirelessly and click Save & Apply. You can then disconnect the ethernet cable.

It may take a few minutes for your Phidgets to appear in the Phidget Control Panel, which we’ll check in the next step.

Step 4: Verify Connection

1. Open the Phidgets Control Panel:

If your Control Panel does not open, look in your taskbar. Double click the Phidget Icon.

Step 4: Verify Connection

2. If connected, your Phidgets will appear in the Phidget Control Panel.

Step 5: Update

Now that you've confirmed that you have access to your Phidgets, you should ensure the HUB5000 is fully updated. You can update the firmware of the VINT Hub by going back to the Phidget Control Panel. If there's a blue arrow beside the version number, it means an update is available:

Right-click anywhere on that row and select Upgrade Firmware. When it's done, the number in the Version column will change.

Step 5: Update

Next, to update the OS firmware, go to the Network Phidgets tab in the control panel, find your HUB5000 and double-click on it. If the OS firmware is out of date, you'll see the following window pop up with steps to follow:

1. Download the firmware (you can get it here if the button does not work)

2. Open the web interface by clicking the button or entering the HUB5000's IP address in your web browser.

3. Go to the System tab and scroll down to the Upgrade Firmware section. Select the file you just downloaded and click Upgrade and Restart. You'll be instructed to wait a few minutes before logging back into the web interface.

Step 5: Update

When you log back in, you can confirm that the new version has successfully installed by checking to see if the firmware version listed in the Status section matches the first three numbers in the firmware file name that you downloaded. You can also check the version in the Network Phidgets tab on the Phidget Control Panel.


Now that you're able to see and interact with your devices in the Phidget Control Panel and they're fully updated, you're done with the Setup part of this guide.

Scroll down to Part 2: Using Your Phidget for the next step.

For more help installing in Windows (e.g. manual install, using a VM, etc.), visit this page:

Windows Advanced Information
