Uploads by Kat

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
15:08, 12 February 2015 Midi-Tracks.zip (file) 82 KB Midi tracks for the tutorial on playing midi songs with stepper motors. 1
14:58, 12 February 2015 StepperMidi.zip (file) 74 KB Visual Basic files for running stepper motors as midi instruments 1
21:12, 12 January 2015 MoreInfo.png (file) 4 KB   1
20:42, 12 January 2015 200px-BuyNow.png (file) 4 KB   1
20:39, 12 January 2015 200px-BuyNowII.png (file) 67 KB   1
21:10, 26 November 2014 Chester-Mug-shot.jpg (file) 5 KB   1
15:14, 10 September 2014 Phidgetsheader.jpg (file) 95 KB A phidgets header for landing pages and newsletters. 1
19:07, 11 August 2014 Temperaturelog.c (file) 5 KB For the logging to usb flash drive on SBC post: http://wp.me/p4iBI4-lV 1
13:58, 25 April 2014 GettingStartedSBCExamples.zip (file) 10 KB These examples go with the Getting Started on SBC video tutorial. 1
17:05, 10 April 2014 Converse.jpg (file) 128 KB Converse Canvas Experiment by Perfect Fools 1
17:01, 10 April 2014 Planet tree.jpg (file) 200 KB By Wit Pimkanchanapong 1
16:57, 10 April 2014 Falconrobotics.JPG (file) 177 KB Image supplied by the Falcon Robotics team. 1
16:34, 10 April 2014 Mapbot.jpg (file) 11 KB Photo by Stacey Devlin http://staceyrdevlin.wordpress.com/2014/04/02/my-adventures-with-the-mapbot-come-to-an-end-or-do-they/ 1
16:32, 10 April 2014 Robodose.jpg (file) 11 KB   1